Why’s Everyone Using Rotating Residential Proxies ?

Last Updated on September 28, 2023 by theadmin

What is a Rotating Residential Proxy?

In the forums and various communities of the internet entrepreneurs there’s normally many debates around what proxies we should be using. One of the latest ‘buzz phrases’ seems to be rotating residential proxies. Although these sounds hyped and made up, there’s actually a lot of sense behind this new breed of rotating proxies both in speed and affordability.

For every type of proxy you’ll find someone encouraging their use, whether it’s IPV6, 4G or even the free proxies you can find on hacked college servers.
Of course, there is no right answer and which type of proxy server you use is largely dependent on what you’re doing and crucially what sort of scale.  For example you’re not going to load Scrapebox up with premium (and expensive) US 4G proxies whilst you hunt for link building opportunities.  Of course they’d work but it wouldn’t be a wise use of resources!

Here’s a quick introduction on residential and datacentre proxies, for anyone who’s unsure.

Similarly if you fire up Jarvee and stuff it full of free proxies from the proxy lists floating around the web then your precious social media accounts won’t last long.   It would again be madness but of a different sort.

Many of us expected 4G and mobile proxies to have taken over by now, but that hasn’t entirely happened yet.  Without doubt the potential of using the IP addresses provided from mobile gateways has huge potential but the expense and quality of them can be off putting.

Sure they’re probably the most discrete and difficult to block and track, but load them into one of sneaker software and they’re can be problems.   Sure you need anonymity for buying sneakers but if  you use the best software like AIO Bot there’s something else you need too – speed!

Rotating Residential Proxies ?

There’s no good just being super safe in some industries, there are other factors to consider.  Sure it might help you staying under the radar.  However if your Bot is held waiting for a response from a Ukrainian mobile gateway the other side of the world, then you’re not going to cop those sneaker!  Often it’s speed that suffers at the cost of anonymity, which may or may not be acceptable depending on your industry.

If you’re after sneakers then speed is vital, ideally you need fast residential proxies which have the minimum latency between them and the retailer’s server. Some of the releases sell out in minutes so if you’re not quick then you’ll lose out on the prize.


The Market Favorite are Currently Rotating Residential Proxies ?

A few years ago, residential proxies were like gold dust as there were only a select few who had access to any numbers of residential addresses. Some companies tried to expand into the vacuum but found it extremely difficult especially if you went down the route of using legitimate residential accounts. Not to mention the support and expense that these setups can involve.

Datacenter proxies are becoming less useful as more and more sites block, flag or blacklist them automatically as soon as they connect. So residential is the next rung up the ladder, yet the primary drawbacks are the price and scarcity. Most legitimate users involved in any sort of secure transactions also need exclusive access to the IP address they are using at least for that session. However giving completely exclusive access to users on dedicated residential proxies will cost a huge amount in order to justify the costs involved

This is the dilemma the providers use, obtaining decent residential IP addresses is extremely expensive so to recoup the investment charges needed to be high.  If you started routing loads of people simultaneously through the same address in order to minimize the costs. Unfortunately this could cause issues to the users especially those managing social media accounts like Instagram using these proxies

Share for the Many Not the Few

So we’re not stealing the UK labour parties motto here for a cheap headline ! Although it’s more accurately attributed to the poet Percy Shelley’s poem – The Mask of Anarchy. No the issue is a real one, how is a scarce resource distributed efficiently to help reduce the costs. For proxies and residential IP addresses the solution comes with technology.

Instead of bumping up the prices of these proxies to offer premium, dedicated access the solution was actually to share these addresses out more effectively. The critical point is that these addresses could be shared as long as it wasn’t concurrently. So the simplest way to do this is by using code to rotate the addresses between lots of different users. Each address was locked onto a user while it was operating and then released.

This was done by allocating IP addresses from a central pool rather than manually applying them to specific network cards in each proxy server. The proxy could then check out an IP address and assign to a user then release it back into the pool after finishing. Therefore the unit cost of these addresses could fall while still allowing the exclusive access that many residential proxy users require.

Companies still maintain control and can also create and curate the IP addresses for different purposes to ensure they work best.  This is why you should always speak to any proxy provider and explain what you require them for, they know their IP addresses well and can advise you on what’s best to use.  It makes sense for them to assign you to the right servers and plans in order to maximize your success (and gain a long term customer).

Most of the genuine, business grade proxy providers will use rotating residential proxies now as it’s the smart way to keep costs down and ensure their addresses stay ‘fresh’.   If you’re looking for one of the best providers I have no hesitation in recommending these guys –

RotatingProxies – Premium Proxy Provider

However try out their trials and speak to their support if you use them, they’re really helpful and friendly.

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